Here are the very first feedback reports from students and also links with the published project on the Polish news website!! Thank you, Poland!

Polish students´feedbacks
Wiktoria Mac:
It was a really incredible experience. I am proud of representing our country in the Czech Republic. At first, I was a bit nervous but I forgot about it right after we came to Kromieryz and when Lucka – one of the Czech students showed us around the town. The second day was even better. We had our first workshop session where we could meet each other. It turned out that everyone was so nice. We made friends immediately. At those meetings we talked about how human beings and their actions impact the Earth. We also learnt about our footprints and how we can prevent harming the environment. Mrs. Tatjana Christelbauer from Austria reminded us about the most important thing – human/child rights. She also showed us where we can look for them. At every workshop I learnt something new. It was very educational and now I know more about saving the Planet. Also, as I said earlier, the people there were very kind and helpful. Even if we were from different countries, there weren’t any problems with communication because we all spoke English which allowed us to test our language skills too. Also, we devoted some time to learning other languages. It was very funny when it turned out that some words are similar and we understand each other. I really wish I could spend more time there and be around those amazing people. I hope I will meet them some day.
Zuzanna Dąbrowska:
I can say with clear conscience that the trip to the Czech Republic was one of the best. I don’t have enough words to describe how much I enjoyed it. Staying in the neighboring country was not only educational, but also cognitive and integrative. During half-day sessions, I was able to learn and improve my knowledge about different topics such as climate change or the greenhouse effect. I have also got to know what environmental problems and issues other partner have to face during daily life and what their propositions for the better future are. During the afternoons, I visited our host town – Kroměříž, an ecological village in Hostětín and the zoo in Zlín. Apart from that, I met a lot of amazing people with whom I spent many unforgettable moments. The friendships that I made will last forever! I strongly recommend such journeys to everybody. I hope that it was not my last Erasmus Plus trip and I will repeat it very soon 😊
Igor Chwedoruk:
I have never experienced anything similar to the trip to the Czech Republic. It was my first time in Kromieryż and I must say it was an unforgettable experience. In spite of initial worries, I enjoyed it. In my opinion, the possibility to broaden my horizons and the chance to rethink my views and deep-seated stereotypes are the greatest advantages of travelling there. I have noticed that all international participants have a lot in common, for example we both share the same qualities such as hospitality. Although I had some communication problems at times, mainly connected with using English, I didn’t feel the pressure as the other students were extremely polite and the smile did not come off their faces. There was also a lot of sightseeing – we visited plenty of spectacular places. One of them was charming, but not known to me earlier, Kromieryż. Some acitvities that we were doing on the spot are also worth mentioning. We took part in creating the e-curriculum which let us gain knowledge about ecology and climate changes. Moreover, we could work in groups, which was also an interesting experience. If you asked me whether it was worth participating in the exchange, I would undoubtedly say that it was. I’m looking forward to meeting all students who took part in this program in our school.
The links for the news articles are here: