Móðurmál the Association on Bilingualism (IS)

Our role

Project partner responsible for:

  • Hosting the second Transnational Project Meeting
  • Assessing the quality of dissemination activities (for associated partners) – using assessment templates including objectives, target groups / audiences, methods used, tools / resources, location, time,responsibilities, expected and achieved results
  • Attending online / face to face meetings and LTT activities, being actively involved in project activities 
  • Within the Project Campaign ( 1,5 ), coordinating online photovoice exhibition
  • Making the intellectual outputs accessible in different languages
  • Monitoring the multilingual and multicultural contexts of the activities and outputs
  • Leading the e-guide on translation and culturally specific adaptations of the outputs

About us

Móðurmál has provided mother tongue instruction in Iceland since 1994. We are grateful to Mrs. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the former president of Iceland and the goodwill ambassador of languages of UNESCO, for her patronage.

Móðurmál is also grateful for the following awards:

  • 2021. Project Manager of Móðurmál Library received the Order of the Falcon from the President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhanesson for her contribution to promoting literature in other languages than Icelandic. The order is awarded annually on 17 June, the national holiday.
  • 2021. Hvatningarverðlaun Upplýsingar.
  • 2020. Award for Móðurmál Library “í þágu barnamenningar” (for contribution to children´s culture) from Ibby in Iceland.
  • 2020. Award for Móðurmál Library “Fræðslu- og vísindaviðurkenningu Siðmenntar í þágu mannréttinda og mannúðar” (Education and Science Award for work for Human Rights and Humanity from Siðmennt).
  • 2019. “Mannréttindaverðlaun Reykjavíkurborgar” (Human rights award of the City of Reykjavík). For teaching children their mother tongues.
  • 2018. “Hvatningarverðlaun Heimilis og skóla” (Encouragement award from the National Parents’ Association). For the project Allir með! –let´s talk about the school culture in Iceland– did in collaboration with SAMFOK association
  • 2016.“Foreldraverðlaun Heimilis og skóla” (Parents’ award from the National Parents’ Association). For mother tongue teaching of bilingual children.
  • 2014. “Samfélagsverðlaun Fréttablaðsins” (The Society Award of Frettabladid) in category “From Generation to Generation”. The award was presented by the President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.
  • 2008. “Vel að verki staðið” (For a Job Well Done). Certificate of Recognition from the Intercultural Centre for Móðurmál’s active work on immigrantion issues in Iceland. The award was presented by the President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.


Móðurmál has offered instruction in over twenty languages (other than Icelandic) for plurilingual children since 1994. The Sports and Leisure Council of Reykjavík (Íþrótta og tómstundaráð Reykjavíkur) and later the School and Leisure Department of Reykjavík (Skóla og frístundasvið Reykjavíkurborgar) have supported and have partially funded the program, as have other tuition waivers and grants. Volunteers and parents do the lion´s share of the valuable work.

Móðurmál was established in 1994 as The Parents of Bilingual Children Association (Samtök foreldra tvítyngdra barna) in order to develop a structured language program with clearly defined curricula and goals. In 2014, Móðurmál has set itself the following goals:

  • Teach children their mother tongues
  • Support multiple language groups and mother tongue teachers
  • Partner with parents of plurilingual children and create opportunities for children to learn all their mother tongues
  • Take part in research on bilingualism and mother tongues
  • Develop mother tongue instruction
  • Support active bilingualism in Icelandic society

The activities of Móðurmál include:

  • Regular mother tongue classes
  • Lectures and presentations for parents, institutions and the public
  • Professional development of mother tongue teachers
  • Cooperation with other institutions (Reykjavík, the City Library, the Cultural Center Gerðuberg, the language platform Tungumálatorg, the University of Iceland etc.)
  • Publications (parent and teacher booklets about plurilingualism)

News from this partner

Link to our MOODLE lessons

https://teacamp.vdu.lt/course/view.php?id=90 Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of…

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