The Europen Day of Languages 2023 – “Using AI to facilitate deliberations”

In contribution to the European Day of Languages 2023 celebration,
ERASMUS+ project Le_MOON teams and our friends from the Noah´s Ark Academy Maragoli, Kenya. Alice Siu, associate director of the Deliberative Democracy Lab at Stanford University, supported our meeting with her presentation on “Using AI to facilitate deliberations”.

The virtual session took part on September 25th, 2023 from 7.30 -9.00 am CET. 

Students have presented their posters to the topic of the session with insights containing elaborated preparatory questions on their experiences with the AI tools, recommendations for the optimization of the AI-related ethical guidelines and policy, and have exchanged their comments and impressions from Presentations of Tatjana Christelbauer  (ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy) and Alice Siu (Stanford University, Deliberation lab)

Students from the Vienna Institute for Blind have shared their experiences with the use of AI tools and social media for screen readers. Our guest attendees, teachers, and students from the Noah´s Ark Academy, Maragoli, Kenya, have shared their experiences while using the Chatbot GPT for language learning.

Our Workshop was linked to the UN Global Week to act for SDGs. #We unite for equal access to quality education, through our project partnerships and collaboration in a virtual environment, including language diversity into our curriculum as our shared heritage and resources for building bridges, intercultural understanding, and cultural diplomacy.

The workshop was facilitated and organized by Tatjana Christlebauer (ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy /Vienna/AT) partner in the ERASMUS+ project Le_MOON.

EDL 23 info page:
SprachenWeb project activities:
#EDL23 ‘#europeandayoflanguages #erasmusplus #weuniteforequalaccesstoeducation #asc4sdgs #deliberation #ai #culturaldemocracy #deliberation #sciencediplomacy

Tatjana Christelbauer



“Language in a serious playbut not a frivolous one”

